Klinische und genetische Studien

Derzeit ist das Institut für Systemische Motorikforschung an folgenden klinischen Studien beteiligt:

  • ReMAP-FMD: Metakognitive Therapie und Neuro-Physiotherapie zur Behandlung funktioneller Bewegungsstörungen – eine randomisierte, Beobachter-verblindete Machbarkeitsstudie

  • Enroll-HD: A Prospective Registry Study in a Global Huntington’s Disease Cohort – a CHDI Foundation Project

  • Plasma-HD: a sub-study of Enroll-HD for Plasma sample collection for further genetic diagnostics

  • Huntington-Mikrobiom (HDMB): Characterisation of the oral and intestinal microbiome in patients with Huntington's disease

  • Proof-HD OLE Open-label extension study to continue pridopidine use in patients with early-stage Huntington's disease.

  • Roche BN42489 Phase II study: randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-finding study to evaluate the safety, biomarkers and efficacy of Tominersen in patients with prodromal and early manifest Huntington´s disease

  • Roche BN42489: Open-label extension study to continue Tominersen use in patients with early-stage Huntington's disease

  • Epitome: A Prospective, International Study to Estimate the Incidence of and Provide a Best Practice Model for the Monitoring and Treatment of Post-stroke Spasticity

  • SMART-NIS: Effectiveness and Safety of SMART BoNT-A therapy with Dysport® in patients with post-stroke chronic upper limb spasticity in real-life setting

Abgeschlossene Studien

  • TicGenetics: Genetic study to identify the genetic factors of Tourette syndrome

  • PROOF-HD Phase III study: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre, phase III study with parallel treatment arms to assess the efficacy and safety of pridopidine in patients with early stage Huntington's disease

  • Pro PSP: Prospective observational study to investigate the demographics, clinical course and biomarkers of Biomarkers of Progressive Supranuclear Gaze Palsy (ProPSP)

  • Pattern: Study to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of NT 201 (Botulinum Toxin) With Placebo for the Treatment of Lower Limb Spasticity Caused by Stroke or Traumatic Brain Injury (PATTERN), NCT03992404

  • Abolish: Study to Assess the Effectiveness of AboBoNT-A Injections for Adult Lower Limb Spasticity in a Real Life Cohort (AboLiSh), NCT04050527

  • StimTox: Vergleicht Botulinumtoxin und tiefe Hirnstimulation zur Behandlung der zervikalen Dystonie