

Anne-Sophie Denommé-Pichon, Leslie Matalonga, Elke de Boer, Adam Jackson, Elisa Benetti, Siddharth Banka, Ange-Line Bruel, Andrea Ciolfi, Jill Clayton-Smith, Bruno Dallapiccola, Yannis Duffourd, Kornelia Ellwanger, Chiara Fallerini, Christian Gilissen, Holm Graessner, Tobias B. Haack, Marketa Havlovicova, Alexander Hoischen, Nolwenn Jean-Marçais, Tjitske Kleefstra, Estrella López-Martín, Milan Macek, Maria Antonietta Mencarelli, Sébastien Moutton, Rolph Pfundt, Simone Pizzi, Manuel Posada, Francesca Clementina Radio, Alessandra Renieri, Caroline Rooryck, Lukas Ryba, Hana Safraou, Martin Schwarz, Marco Tartaglia, Christel Thauvin-Robinet, Julien Thevenon, Frédéric Tran Mau-Them, Aurélien Trimouille, Pavel Votypka, Bert B. A. de Vries, Marjolein H. Willemsen, Birte Zurek, Alain Verloes, Christophe Philippe, [GROUP] Solve-RD DITF-ITHACA, [GROUP] Solve-RD SNV-indel working group, [GROUP] Solve-RD Consortia, Antonio Vitobello, Lisenka E. L. M. Vissers, and Laurence Faivre,
A Solve-RD ClinVar-based reanalysis of 1522 index cases from ERN-ITHACA reveals common pitfalls and misinterpretations in exome sequencing, Genet Med , vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 100018, 2023.
Andreas Traschütz, Astrid D. Adarmes-Gómez, Mathieu Anheim, Jonathan Baets, Bernard Brais, Cynthia Gagnon, Janina Gburek-Augustat, Sarah Doss, Haşmet A. Hanağası, Christoph Kamm, Peter Klivenyi, Thomas Klockgether, Thomas Klopstock, Martina Minnerop, Alexander Münchau, Mathilde Renaud, Filippo M. Santorelli, Ludger Schöls, Andreas Thieme, Stefan Vielhaber, Bart P. van de Warrenburg, Ginevra Zanni, Ralf-Dieter Hilgers, and Matthis Synofzik,
Responsiveness of the Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia and Natural History in 884 Recessive and Early Onset Ataxia Patients, Ann Neurol , vol. 94, no. 3, pp. 470–485, 2023.
Shijing Yu, Ann-Kathrin Stock, Alexander Münchau, Christian Frings, and Christian Beste,
Neurophysiological principles of inhibitory control processes during cognitive flexibility, Cereb Cortex , pp. bhac532, 2023.
Martje G. Pauly, Norbert Brüggemann, Stephanie Efthymiou, Anne Grözinger, Sokhna Haissatou Diaw, Viorica Chelban, Valentina Turchetti, Barbara Vona, Vera Tadic, Henry Houlden, Alexander Münchau, and Katja Lohmann,
Not to Miss: Intronic Variants, Treatment, and Review of the Phenotypic Spectrum in VPS13D-Related Disorder, Int J Mol Sci , vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 1874, 2023.
Negin Gholamipourbarogh, Astrid Prochnow, Christian Frings, Alexander Münchau, Moritz Mückschel, and Christian Beste,
Perception-action integration during inhibitory control is reflected in a concomitant multi-region processing of specific codes in the neurophysiological signal, Psychophysiology , vol. 60, no. 2, pp. e14178, 2023.
Anne Weissbach, Josephine Moyé, Adam Takacs, Julius Verrel, Fabian Chwolka, Julia Friedrich, Theresa Paulus, Simone Zittel, Tobias Bäumer, Christian Frings, Bernhard Pastötter, Christian Beste, and Alexander Münchau,
Perception-Action Integration Is Altered in Functional Movement Disorders, Mov Disord , vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 1399–1409, 2023.
Pritesh Jain, Tyne Miller-Fleming, Apostolia Topaloudi, Dongmei Yu, Petros Drineas, Marianthi Georgitsi, Zhiyu Yang, Renata Rizzo, Kirsten R. Müller-Vahl, Zeynep Tumer, Nanette Mol Debes, Andreas Hartmann, Christel Depienne, Yulia Worbe, Pablo Mir, Danielle C. Cath, Dorret I. Boomsma, Veit Roessner, Tomasz Wolanczyk, Piotr Janik, Natalia Szejko, Cezary Zekanowski, Csaba Barta, Zsofia Nemoda, Zsanett Tarnok, Joseph D. Buxbaum, Dorothy Grice, Jeffrey Glennon, Hreinn Stefansson, Bastian Hengerer, Noa Benaroya-Milshtein, Francesco Cardona, Tammy Hedderly, Isobel Heyman, Chaim Huyser, Astrid Morer, Norbert Mueller, Alexander Münchau, Kerstin J. Plessen, Cesare Porcelli, Susanne Walitza, Anette Schrag, Davide Martino, [GROUP] Psychiatric Genomics Consortium Tourette Syndrome Working Group (PGC-TS), [GROUP] EMTICS Collaborative Group, Andrea Dietrich, [GROUP] TS-EUROTRAIN network, Carol A. Mathews, Jeremiah M. Scharf, Pieter J. Hoekstra, Lea K. Davis, and Peristera Paschou,
Polygenic risk score-based phenome-wide association study identifies novel associations for Tourette syndrome, Transl Psychiatry , vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 69, 2023.
Céline C. Haciahmet, Christian Frings, Christian Beste, Alexander Münchau, and Bernhard Pastötter,
Posterior delta/theta EEG activity as an early signal of Stroop conflict detection, Psychophysiology , vol. 60, no. 3, pp. e14195, 2023.
Philip Schmalbrock, Bernhard Hommel, Alexander Münchau, Christian Beste, and Christian Frings,
Predictability reduces event file retrieval, Atten Percept Psychophys , vol. 85, no. 4, pp. 1073–1087, 2023.
Sheng Wang, Belinda Wang, Vanessa Drury, Sam Drake, Nawei Sun, Hasan Alkhairo, Juan Arbelaez, Clif Duhn, [GROUP] Tourette International Collaborative Genetics (TIC Genetics), Vanessa H. Bal, Kate Langley, Joanna Martin, Pieter J. Hoekstra, Andrea Dietrich, Jinchuan Xing, Gary A. Heiman, Jay A. Tischfield, Thomas V. Fernandez, Michael J. Owen, Michael C. O’Donovan, Anita Thapar, Matthew W. State, and A. Jeremy Willsey,
Rare X-linked variants carry predominantly male risk in autism, Tourette syndrome, and ADHD, Nat Commun , vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 8077, 2023.
Bruno Bergmans, Veronica Clark, Stuart H. Isaacson, and Tobias Bäumer,
Recommendations for a paradigm shift in approach to increase the recognition and treatment of sialorrhea in Parkinson’s disease, Clin Park Relat Disord , vol. 9, pp. 100223, 2023.
Poornima Jayadev Menon, Christelle Nilles, Laura Silveira-Moriyama, Ruiyi Yuan, Claudio M. de Gusmao, Alexander Münchau, Miryam Carecchio, Steve Grossman, Gay Grossman, Aurélie Méneret, Emmanuel Roze, and Tamara Pringsheim,
Scoping Review on ADCY5-Related Movement Disorders, Mov Disord Clin Pract , vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 1048–1059, 2023.
Bassam Al-Fatly, Sabina J. Giesler, Simon Oxenford, Ningfei Li, Till A. Dembek, Johannes Achtzehn, Patricia Krause, Veerle Visser-Vandewalle, Joachim K. Krauss, Joachim Runge, Vera Tadic, Tobias Bäumer, Alfons Schnitzler, Jan Vesper, Jochen Wirths, Lars Timmermann, Andrea A. Kühn, Anne Koy, and [GROUP] GEPESTIM consortium,
Neuroimaging-based analysis of DBS outcomes in pediatric dystonia: Insights from the GEPESTIM registry, Neuroimage Clin , vol. 39, pp. 103449, 2023.
Martje G. Pauly, G. Christoph Korenke, Sokhna Haissatou Diaw, Anne Grözinger, Ana Cazurro-Gutiérrez, Belen Perez-Dueñas, Victoria González, Alfons Macaya, Ana Teresa Serrano Antón, Borut Peterlin, Ivana Babić Božović, Aleš Maver, Alexander Münchau, and Katja Lohmann,
The Expanding Phenotypical Spectrum of WARS2-Related Disorder: Four Novel Cases with a Common Recurrent Variant, Genes , vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 822, 2023.
Theresa Paulus, Lynn Wernecke, Annik Lundie, Julia Friedrich, Julius Verrel, Tina Rawish, Anne Weissbach, Christian Frings, Christian Beste, Tobias Bäumer, and Alexander Münchau,
The Role of the Left Inferior Parietal Cortex in Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome - An rTMS Study, Biomedicines , vol. 11, no. 33, pp. 980, 2023. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.
Paul Wendiggensen, Theresa Paulus, Annet Bluschke, Adam Takacs, Eszter Tóth-Fáber, Anne Weissbach, Tobias Bäumer, Christian Frings, Veit Roessner, Alexander Münchau, and Christian Beste,
Theta Activity Dynamics during Embedded Response Plan Processing in Tourette Syndrome, Biomedicines , vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 393, 2023.
Kirsten Müller-Vahl, and Alexander Münchau,
Tics und Tourette-Syndrom, in Therapie und Verlauf neurologischer Erkrankungen , Diener, H.-C. and Gerloff, Christian and Dieterich, M. and Endres, M., Eds. Kohlhammer, 2023, pp. 1239–1247.
Peter McColgan, Alpa Thobhani, Lauren Boak, Scott A. Schobel, Alessia Nicotra, Giuseppe Palermo, Dylan Trundell, Julian Zhou, Valerie Schlegel, Patricia Sanwald Ducray, David J. Hawellek, Jonas Dorn, Cedric Simillion, Michael Lindemann, Vicki Wheelock, Alexandra Dürr, Karen E. Anderson, Jeffrey D. Long, Edward J. Wild, G. Bernhard Landwehrmeyer, Blair R. Leavitt, Sarah J. Tabrizi, and Rachelle Doody,
Tominersen in Adults with Manifest Huntington’s Disease, N Engl J Med , vol. 389, no. 23, pp. 2203–2205, 2023.
Christian Beste, Alexander Münchau, and Christian Frings,
Towards a systematization of brain oscillatory activity in actions, Commun Biol , vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 137, 2023.
Tamara Pringsheim, Amit Batla, Ali Shalash, Jitendra Kumar Sahu, Carlos Cosentino, Darius Ebrahimi‐Fakhari, Jennifer Friedman, Jean‐Pierre Lin, Jonathan Mink, Alexander Münchau, Daniela Munoz, Nardo Nardocci, Belen Perez‐Dueñas, Zomer Sardar, Chahnez Triki, Hilla Ben‐Pazi, Laura Silveira‐Moriyama, Monica Troncoso‐Schifferli, Kyoko Hoshino, Russell C. Dale, Victor S.C. Fung, Manju A. Kurian, and Emmanuel Roze,
Transitional Care for Young People with Movement Disorders: Consensus-Based Recommendations from the MDS Task Force on Pediatrics, Mov Disord Clin Pract , pp. mdc3.13728, 2023.
Sebastian Löns, Feline Hamami, Katja Lohmann, Thorsten Odorfer, Chi Wang Ip, Simone Zittel, Kirsten E. Zeuner, Judith Everding, Jos Becktepe, Katrin Marth, Friederike Borngräber, Katja Kollewe, Christoph Kamm, Andrea A. Kühn, Mathias Gelderblom, Jens Volkmann, Christine Klein, and Tobias Bäumer,
Tremor is associated with familial clustering of dystonia, Parkinsonism Relat Disord , vol. 110, pp. 105400, 2023.
Burcu Yaldiz, Erdi Kucuk, Juliet Hampstead, Tom Hofste, Rolph Pfundt, Jordi Corominas Galbany, Tuula Rinne, Helger G. Yntema, Alexander Hoischen, Marcel Nelen, Christian Gilissen, and [GROUP] Solve-RD Consortium,
Twist exome capture allows for lower average sequence coverage in clinical exome sequencing, Hum Genomics , vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 39, 2023.
Rebecca Herzog, Christina Bolte, Jan-Ole Radecke, Kathinka von Möller, Rebekka Lencer, Elinor Tzvi, Alexander Münchau, Tobias Bäumer, and Anne Weissbach,
Neuronavigated Cerebellar 50 Hz tACS: Attenuation of Stimulation Effects by Motor Sequence Learning, Biomedicines , vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 2218, 2023.
Ronja Weiblen, Carina Robert, Pauline Petereit, Marcus Heldmann, Thomas F. Münte, Alexander Münchau, Kirsten Müller-Vahl, and Ulrike M. Krämer,
Neural, physiological and behavioural correlates of empathy for pain in Tourette syndrome, Brain Commun , vol. 5, no. 4, pp. fcad212, 2023.
Deniz Boz, Gamze Kilic-Berkmen, Joel S. Perlmutter, Scott A. Norris, Laura J. Wright, Christine Klein, Tobias Bäumer, Sebastian Löns, Jeanne S. Feuerstein, Abhimanyu Mahajan, Aparna Wagle-Shukla, Irene Malaty, Mark S. LeDoux, William Ondo, Alexander Pantelyat, Samuel Frank, Rachel Saunders-Pullman, and H. A. Jinnah,
An Empirical Comparison of Commonly Used Universal Rating Scales for Dystonia, Mov Disord Clin Pract , vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 1777–1786, 2023.
Tatiana Usnich, Björn Hauptmann, Henrike Hanssen, Jannik Prasuhn, Alexander Balck, Max Borsche, Vera Tadic, Annika Klee, Greta Noblejas-Sanchez, Eva-Juliane Vollstedt, Christine Klein, Norbert Brüggemann, and Meike Kasten,
Depressive symptoms in Parkinson’s disease are insufficiently but more often treated than in other chronic conditions, NPJ Parkinsons Dis , vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 113, 2023.
Nele Sophie Brügge, Gesine Marie Sallandt, Ronja Schappert, Frédéric Li, Alina Siekmann, Marcin Grzegorzek, Tobias Bäumer, Christian Frings, Christian Beste, Roland Stenger, Veit Roessner, Sebastian Fudickar, Heinz Handels, and Alexander Münchau,
Automated Motor Tic Detection: A Machine Learning Approach, Mov Disord , vol. 38, no. 7, pp. 1327–1335, 2023.
Andreas Traschütz, Astrid D. Adarmes-Gómez, Mathieu Anheim, Jonathan Baets, Björn H. Falkenburger, Janina Gburek-Augustat, Sarah Doss, Christoph Kamm, Peter Klivenyi, Marcus Grobe-Einsler, Thomas Klopstock, Martina Minnerop, Alexander Münchau, Chiara Pane, Mathilde Renaud, Filippo M. Santorelli, Ludger Schöls, Dagmar Timmann, Stefan Vielhaber, Tobias B. Haack, Bart P. van de Warrenburg, Ginevra Zanni, and Matthis Synofzik,
Autosomal Recessive Cerebellar Ataxias in Europe: Frequency, Onset, and Severity in 677 Patients, Mov Disord , vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 1109–1112, 2023.
A. Ripke, Alexander Münchau, N. von Bubnoff, S. Jendrek, S. Kopelke, C. Kümpers, P. Parschke, S. Schinke, and C. Khandanpour,
B symptoms in unexplained mediastinal lymphadenopathy : Case report of a 72-year-old male patient with VEXAS syndrome, Inn Med , vol. 64, no. 8, pp. 810–814, 2023.
Wolfgang H. Jost, Tobias Bäumer, Andrea Bevot, Ulrich Birkmann, Carsten Buhmann, Maria Grosheva, Orlando Guntinas-Lichius, Rainer Laskawi, Sebastian Paus, Christina Pflug, A. Sebastian Schroeder, Björn Spittau, Armin Steffen, Bernd Wilken, Martin Winterholler, and Steffen Berweck,
Botulinum neurotoxin type A in the interdisciplinary treatment of sialorrhea in adults and children-update and practice recommendations, Front Neurol , vol. 14, pp. 1275807, 2023.
Kirsten R. Müller-Vahl, Anna Pisarenko, Natalia Szejko, Martina Haas, Carolin Fremer, Ewgeni Jakubovski, Richard Musil, Alexander Münchau, Irene Neuner, Daniel Huys, Ludger Tebartz van Elst, Christoph Schröder, Rieke Ringlstetter, Armin Koch, Eva Beate Jenz, and Anika Großhennig,
CANNA-TICS: Efficacy and safety of oral treatment with nabiximols in adults with chronic tic disorders - Results of a prospective, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled, phase IIIb superiority study, Psychiatry Res , vol. 323, pp. 115135, 2023.
Alexander Münchau, and Johannes Levin,
Chorea, in Therapie und Verlauf neurologischer Erkrankungen , Diener, H.-C. and Gerloff, Christian and Dieterich, M. and Endres, M., Eds. Kohlhammer, 2023, pp. 1154–1166.
Adam Jackson, Sheng-Jia Lin, Elizabeth A. Jones, Kate E. Chandler, David Orr, Celia Moss, Zahra Haider, Gavin Ryan, Simon Holden, Mike Harrison, Nigel Burrows, Wendy D. Jones, Mary Loveless, Cassidy Petree, Helen Stewart, Karen Low, Deirdre Donnelly, Simon Lovell, Konstantina Drosou, [GROUP] Solve-RD Consortium, Gaurav K. Varshney, and Siddharth Banka,
Clinical, genetic, epidemiologic, evolutionary, and functional delineation of TSPEAR-related autosomal recessive ectodermal dysplasia 14, HGG Adv , vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 100186, 2023.
Julia Friedrich, Tina Rawish, Annet Bluschke, Christian Frings, Christian Beste, and Alexander Münchau,
Cognitive and Neural Mechanisms of Behavior Therapy for Tics: A Perception-Action Integration Approach, Biomedicines , vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 1550, 2023.
Lille Kurvits, Safiye Tozdan, Tina Mainka, Alexander Münchau, Kirsten R. Müller-Vahl, Andrea E. Cavanna, Peer Briken, and Christos Ganos,
Compulsive sexual behavior and paraphilic interests in adults with chronic tic disorders and Tourette syndrome: a survey-based study, Int J Impot Res , 2023.
Stefan Sondermann, Tobias Bäumer, Joachim Suss, Boy Bohn, Katharina Fieseler, Peter Schramm, Ludger Tueshaus, and Tobias Boppel,
Detection of Traumatic and Postoperative Nerve Lesions following Upper Extremity Fractures in a Pediatric Cohort Using MR Neurography, Eur J Pediatr Surg , vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 319–327, 2023.
Angeliki Charalampaki, Caroline Peters, Heiko Maurer, Lisa K. Maurer, Hermann Müller, Julius Verrel, and Elisa Filevich,
Motor outcomes congruent with intentions may sharpen metacognitive representations, Cognition , vol. 235, pp. 105388, 2023.
Antigony Rigas, Tina Mainka, Tamara Pringsheim, Alexander Münchau, Irene Malaty, Yulia Worbe, Andrea E. Cavanna, Andrew John Lees, Anthony E. Lang, Davide Martino, and Christos Ganos,
Distinguishing functional from primary tics: a study of expert video assessments, J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry , vol. 94, no. 9, pp. 751–756, 2023.
Tamara Pringsheim, Christos Ganos, Christelle Nilles, Andrea E. Cavanna, Donald L. Gilbert, Erica Greenberg, Andreas Hartmann, Tammy Hedderly, Isobel Heyman, Holan Liang, Irene Malaty, Osman Malik, Nanette Mol Debes, Kirsten Muller Vahl, Alexander Münchau, Tara Murphy, Peter Nagy, Tamsin Owen, Renata Rizzo, Liselotte Skov, Jeremy Stern, Natalia Szejko, Yulia Worbe, and Davide Martino,
European Society for the Study of Tourette Syndrome 2022 criteria for clinical diagnosis of functional tic-like behaviours: International consensus from experts in tic disorders, Eur J Neurol , vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 902–910, 2023.
Stefanie Bartha, Annet Bluschke, Tina Rawish, Kim E. R. Naumann, Paul Wendiggensen, Tobias Bäumer, Veit Roessner, Alexander Münchau, and Christian Beste,
Extra Movements in Healthy People: Challenging the Definition and Diagnostic Practice of Tic Disorders, Ann Neurol , vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 472–478, 2023.
Fotis Tsetsos, Apostolia Topaloudi, Pritesh Jain, Zhiyu Yang, Dongmei Yu, Petros Kolovos, Zeynep Tumer, Renata Rizzo, Andreas Hartmann, Christel Depienne, Yulia Worbe, Kirsten R. Müller-Vahl, Danielle C. Cath, Dorret I. Boomsma, Tomasz Wolanczyk, Cezary Zekanowski, Csaba Barta, Zsofia Nemoda, Zsanett Tarnok, Shanmukha S. Padmanabhuni, Joseph D. Buxbaum, Dorothy Grice, Jeffrey Glennon, Hreinn Stefansson, Bastian Hengerer, Evangelia Yannaki, John A. Stamatoyannopoulos, Noa Benaroya-Milshtein, Francesco Cardona, Tammy Hedderly, Isobel Heyman, Chaim Huyser, Pablo Mir, Astrid Morer, Norbert Mueller, Alexander Münchau, Kerstin J. Plessen, Cesare Porcelli, Veit Roessner, Susanne Walitza, Anette Schrag, Davide Martino, [GROUP] PGC TS Working Group, [GROUP] TSAICG, [GROUP] TSGeneSEE initiative, [GROUP] EMTICS Collaborative Group, [GROUP] TS-EUROTRAIN network, [GROUP] TIC Genetics Collaborative Group, Jay A. Tischfield, Gary A. Heiman, A. Jeremy Willsey, Andrea Dietrich, Lea K. Davis, James J. Crowley, Carol A. Mathews, Jeremiah M. Scharf, Marianthi Georgitsi, Pieter J. Hoekstra, and Peristera Paschou,
Genome-wide Association Study points to novel locus for Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome, Biol Psychiatry , pp. S0006-3223(23)00051–3, 2023.
Sebastian Löns, Tobias Boppel, and Tobias Bäumer,
Hypertrophy of the Spinalis Cervicis Muscle in Cervical Dystonia, Tremor Other Hyperkinet Mov , vol. 13, pp. 42, 2023.
Julius Verrel, Fabian Chwolka, Elisa Filevich, Josephine Moyé, Theresa Paulus, Simone Zittel, Tobias Bäumer, Alexander Münchau, and Anne Weissbach,
Impaired Metacognition of Voluntary Movement in Functional Movement Disorder, Mov Disord , vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 435–443, 2023.
Max Borsche, Andre Märtens, Philipp Hörmann, Theresa Brückmann, Katja Lohmann, Sinem Tunc, Christine Klein, Karsten Hiller, and Alexander Balck,
In Vivo Investigation of Glucose Metabolism in Idiopathic and PRKN-Related Parkinson’s Disease, Mov Disord , vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 697–702, 2023.
Paul Wendiggensen, Astrid Prochnow, Charlotte Pscherer, Alexander Münchau, Christian Frings, and Christian Beste,
Interplay between alpha and theta band activity enables management of perception-action representations for goal-directed behavior, Commun Biol , vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 494, 2023.
Ha Yeon Lee, Ingyun Park, Minnie P. Luu, Jerry Zhao, Jeanne P. Vu, Elizabeth Cisneros, Brian D. Berman, H. A. Jinnah, Han-Joon Kim, Catherine Y. Liu, Joel S. Perlmutter, Sarah Pirio Richardson, Anne Weissbach, Glenn T. Stebbins, and David A. Peterson,
Interrater reliability of motor severity scales for hemifacial spasm, J Neural Transm (Vienna) , vol. 130, no. 10, pp. 1269–1279, 2023.
Roula Jamous, Adam Takacs, Christian Frings, Alexander Münchau, Moritz Mückschel, and Christian Beste,
Unsigned surprise but not reward magnitude modulates the integration of motor elements during actions, Sci Rep , vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 5379, 2023.